Journal Club on Current Topics in Microbiology and Infectious Disease


We read, analyze, and discuss recent primary literature drawn from the field of microbiology. These papers represent the seven broad "Topics" of microbiology, as defined by the American Society for Microbiology ( -Antimicrobial Agents & Resistance -Applied & Environmental Microbiology -Clinical & Public Health Microbiology -Clinical Infections & Vaccines -Ecology, Evolution, & Biodiversity -Host-Microbe Biology -Molecular Biology & Physiology Each week we discuss a single primary research paper, with special emphasis placed on analyzing and interpreting data and figures. Some assignments include supplementary videos or readings to provide the background knowledge required to understand a particular paper. To ensure that students have sufficient prior exposure to microbiological concepts, Biology 349: Foundations of Microbiology is a prerequisite for this course. At the conclusion of the semester, students should have achieved the following objectives: 1. Gain insight into the breadth of research performed within the field of microbiology. 2. Develop skills required to comprehend and to analyze primary research literature.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Journal Club on Current Topics in Microbiology and Infectious Disease - 01
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